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Buying replacements

Since around 1835, all drawings of models and individual items designed by Koch & Bergfeld have been documented in its drawing books, so-called "folios". This makes it a simple matter to re-manufacture such articles. But that's not all: Koch & Bergfeld is also able to copy any item of silverware – whatever its origin – or make it up according to a drawing.

If you click on the "Models" button and take a look at our cutlery patterns, you will see that some of them date back to 1829, the year the company was founded, and these are still being manufactured with no or just very minor changes. We can therefore say that in some cases it has been possible to repurchase our cutlery for over 175 years without any difficulty.
The cost of reproducing other historic models from Koch & Bergfeld depends on whether the original tool is still in existence or whether a new one has to be made. We would be pleased to provide further information on this service